1.3 Scope: Protestant Religious Education services shall be provided to children, youth, and adults within the garrison's Area of Responsibility (AOR).
The Coordinator has overall responsibility for ensuring that all programs and activities are inclusive of all Protestant traditions represented and in no way offensive to other faith/religious traditions.
Coordination and collaboration with the Director of Religious Education (DRE) and other contract service providers is required for teamwork and event planning and is expected to facilitate stewardship of funds and personnel management.
The chapel is located at Caserma Ederle, Building 29
1.4 Objectives/Personnel Qualifications: The primary objective of the Chaplain's Religious Support Program is to provide religious support activities that meet the religious requirements of Soldiers, Families, and authorized DA Civilians.
1.4.1 The Coordinator, coordinator's personnel, and all subcoordinators (if applicable) shall perform all services in accordance with the Part 5 of the Performance Work Statement, Performance Requirements.
1.4.2 The Coordinator, coordinator's personnel, and all subcoordinators shall meet the following qualifications
Ability to pass a background check in order to work with minors IAW requirements of AD 2104-23.
Possess or be able to complete within 30 days of contract, annual Chapel Protection training. Coordinator Support Hours: The Coordinator shall provide support Monday through Friday from 08:00 hours through 17:00 hours.
Sundays 09:00 hours through 16:30 hours except when the Government facility is closed due to local or national emergencies, pandemics, administrative closings, or similar Government directed facility closings.
1.6.6 Place of Performance: The work to be performed under this contract will be performed throughout the United States Army Garrison (USAG) Vicenza, in accordance with paragraphs 1.3 and 5.1 through 5.2.4
Performance Requirements
5.1 Basic Services: The Coordinator shall coordinate with the DRE a Protestant religious education program using volunteers from Protestant Chapel services within the community.
The Coordinator shall implement a Protestant religious education program that consists of the following.
All curriculum resources shall be reviewed by the DRE and approved by the Garrison Chaplain before use.
5.1.3 Vacation Bible School (VBS): Shall provide an annual, summer VBS program for children or families in the community.
VBS should consist of 3-5 sessions held in the mornings (children) or evenings (family), depending on the Garrison Chaplain's Religious Support Program priorities.
Each session should last 3-4 hours.
Planning, briefing volunteers, and preparing for VBS shall take the Coordinator no less than one hundred (100) hours.
Prior to ordering materials, the Garrison Chaplain shall review and approve of all Vacation Bible School material, in consultation with the DRE as needed.
The Garrison Chaplain, not the Coordinator, determines the dates and times for Vacation Bible School.
The scheduling of VBS shall only be adjusted by the Garrison Chaplain in order to best meet the needs of the community.
The Coordinator shall publicize and advertise VBS, beginning no later than sixteen (16) weeks prior to the start of VBS throughout the chapel and military community, utilizing every RSO and USAG Italy advertising medium available.
5.1.4 VBS Closing Program: The Coordinator shall provide a closing program for Protestant Vacation Bible School held at a time that maximizes parental and community attendance and recognizes the efforts of the volunteers.
This closing program shall be a minimum of one (1) hour and shall not exceed one and a half (1.5) hours.
The Coordinator shall meet with the Garrison Chaplain and DRE no later than three (3) months prior to this event in order to receive his or her intent and to brief the proposed closing program.
The Garrison Chaplain shall either approve, modify, or reject the proposal at that time.
The Coordinator shall continue to meet with the DRE on a weekly basis in order to receive further guidance until the closing program proposal meets his or her intent.
Once approved, the Coordinator may begin to plan, train volunteers, and prepare for the closing program.
It is the Coordinator's responsibility to schedule the weekly meetings with the DRE.
These meetings will be held during the applicable hours.
5.1.5 VBS Meetings: The Coordinator shall be required to meet with the DRE at least four (4) times per year to coordinate the annual Vacation Bible School program.
The Coordinator shall meet with the congregation Chaplain or his or her designated POC to review the delivery of services of the program and provide records and statistics.
The format and time for these briefings shall be determined by the congregation Chaplain or designated POC.
It is the responsibility of the Coordinator to initiate and follow up on meeti