OFFER DESCRIPTION Selective procedure for the calling of a Senior Research fellow, according to art.
24, paragraph 3, letter a), of the Law nr.
240/2010, for the Academic Recruiting Discipline:
06/D1 "Cardiovascular and respiratory diseases", Academic Discipline MED/10 "Respiratory Diseases", at Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences.
Maximum number of scientific papers to be submitted:
12 (twelve).
Title of the research program:
Respiratory pathologies and defects in alveolar capillary diffusion of carbon monoxide:
role of alveolar membrane conductance and pulmonary capillary blood.Description of the research program:
Many respiratory diseases such as long-covid, interstitial disease, pulmonary arterial hypertension, and some COPD phenotypes are characterized by a reduction in alveolar-capillary diffusion of carbon monoxide (DLCO) as measured by respiratory function tests.
This reduction may be due to eitheran alteration in alveolar membrane conductance (DM) or a reduction in pulmonary capillary blood volume (Vc), which functional methods available to date have never been able to separate.
However, understanding what is the prevalent cause of the defect in gas permeability of the alveolar-capillary membrane is essential to formulate an accurate therapy and prognosis.
The project aims to investigate the main cause of the diffusion defect, using a new instrumentation (present in our and in 4 other Italian Institutes) able to discriminate between its two components, through the simultaneous measurement of DLCO and DLNO (alveolar-capillary diffusion of nitrogen monoxide) and their ratio, with important implications in clinical practice.
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