Job description
- support the Injection Circuits staff in the development, prototyping, assembly, cabling, test & measurement, documentation, installation, troubleshooting and commissioning of the mechanical, electrical and instrumentation parts of new Injection plants and spare parts. He/she may also be involved, with the other members of the team, in the maintenance of the current machine Injection Circuits (including Booster Injection and Extraction ones) and follow purchase, update and rotation-in-operation of the spare parts, particularly of the mechanic, electric and electronic components to allow other members of the team to increase their involvement in the development of the new machine;
- contribute to the Injection Circuits laboratory activities, including printed circuit boards (pcbs), parts logistics, test reporting, instrumentation and software maintenance and documentation.
The following technical skills are highly desirable:
designing, assembling, modifying, cabling, troubleshooting and commissioning mains and high voltage power equipment;
good knowledge of mechanical tools and associated risks in lab or workshop activities (lathe, milling and bending machines, soldering, welding and compressed air tools, etc.);
safe access techniques to measure and troubleshoot equipment at low and mains voltage;
setting up automated oscilloscope measurements to detect elusive faults;
knowledge of wired (relay based) and programmable (PC, PLC ) automation techniques to operate, maintain and troubleshoot test sets and Injection plants;
signal integrity probing;
instrumentation interfacing;
programming and reporting.
A working knowledge of the Italian language and a basic knowledge of technical English are required.
Good time management skills and ability to prioritize are expected, together with the ability to interact with staff at all levels and to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team, sharing & maintaining common lab software, data bases, design, documentation and procedure repositories.
The appointment envisioned is a fixed term contract with an initial duration of 12 months.
Applications should include full curriculum vitae.
In accordance with the provisions of article 21 of the Italian legislative decree no. 39/2013 and in conjunction with article 53 (subsection16ter) of Italian legislative decree no. 165/2001, employees or former employees of any Italian Public Entity who have exercised authority over Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. or have negotiated with Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. within the last three years will be excluded from the present selection procedure.
We thank all applicants in advance.