We're looking for people who are determined to make life better for people around the world. We are seeking a Process Automation Engineer who shares our pass...
Lilly - Italia
Pubblicato a month ago
Job RequirementsEsperienza in ambito di validazione, diagnosi e/o calibrazione/controllo motore Ottima conoscenza Matlab, Simulink e dei principali strumenti...
Teoresi Group - Italia
Pubblicato a month ago
SÓLIDA Energías Renovables stands as a premier independent entity in the engineering and consulting domain, delivering high-value services across the renewab...
Oilandgas.Org.Uk - Italia
Pubblicato 11 days ago
We're a global engineering, management, and development consultancy. Our purpose is to improve society by considering social outcomes in everything we do, re...
Mott Macdonald - Italia
Pubblicato 11 days ago
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